Valve Maintenance Programs

Maintaining your vital water systems

A valve maintenance program is vital for the security of the water delivery network. Knowing where valves are located and ensuring that they operate as designed and work during emergencies are important to any municipality or water utility. Exercising valves on a regular basis will extend their service life. Additionally, in an emergency, having valves that work as expected can reduce water loss, minimize damage and flooding, and prevent customer disruption.

When deposits from water and iron form on a valve, it can make the valve difficult or impossible to operate with hand tools. If a valve hasn't been turned regularly the valve can require replacement, making it a liability for the water delivery system. If a valve is stuck in the closed position, it can prevent the delivery of water when necessary. A stuck open valve can cause additional damage in the event of a water main break or other emergency.

For cleaner water and to prevent valves from sticking, Wachs, Valve Manufacturers, the AWWA & EPA all recommend a valve maintenance program where valves are operated on a set basis, depending on the size and volume of water flowing through the valve.

Valve Maintenance Systems

Trailer & Skid-mounted solutions for ideal valve maintenance.

Valve Maintenance Basics

The essentials for exercising a valve.
Locate. Access. Operate. Record.